Choosing Your First Motorcycle: A Comprehensive Guide for New Riders

May. 4 2023 News By Chaparral Motorsports

A Beginner's Guide to Finding Your Perfect First Motorcycle

Deciding to join the world of motorcycling is an exciting adventure, but with countless options available, choosing your first motorcycle can be overwhelming. This comprehensive guide aims to make the process smoother and more enjoyable. We'll discuss various motorcycle types, what to consider when making your decision, and why buying used might be the best option for beginners. Let's dive into the wonderful world of motorcycles and help you find the perfect ride to start your journey!

Understand Your Riding Goals

Before diving into specific motorcycle models, it's crucial to understand your riding goals. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What type of riding do you plan to do? (commuting, touring, off-roading, etc.)
  • How much experience do you have with motorcycles or other similar vehicles?
  • What is your budget for purchasing and maintaining a motorcycle?

Once you've answered these questions, you'll have a better idea of the type of motorcycle that will best suit your needs.

Exploring Different Types of Motorcycles

There are various types of motorcycles available, each with its unique characteristics and purpose. Here are some of the most common types:


  • Low seat height for easy ground access
  • Built for relaxed, comfortable rides
  • Excellent for beginners due to their manageable power and easy handling

Sport Bikes

  • Designed for speed and performance
  • Can be challenging for new riders due to their aggressive riding position and high power
  • Smaller, more manageable sport bikes are available for beginners

Standard or Naked Bikes

  • Versatile with a neutral riding position
  • Minimal bodywork makes them more affordable and easier to maintain
  • Suitable for beginners due to their balanced handling and moderate power

Adventure Tourers and Dual-Sports

  • Designed for both on-road and off-road riding
  • Tall seat height may be challenging for shorter riders
  • Smaller, more accessible models are available for beginners


  • Easy to ride with automatic transmissions
  • Perfect for urban commuting and short trips
  • Limited in speed and power, making them suitable for beginners

Factors to Consider When Choosing Your First Motorcycle

Now that you're familiar with the various types of motorcycles, it's time to consider the factors that will help you make an informed decision:

  1. Seat Height: Choose a motorcycle with a seat height that allows you to comfortably plant both feet on the ground when stationary. This will boost your confidence and ensure better control.

  2. Weight: Lighter motorcycles are generally easier to handle, especially for beginners. Make sure you can comfortably support the motorcycle's weight when stopped or maneuvering at low speeds.

  3. Engine Size: Beginner riders should consider motorcycles with smaller, more manageable engines. This will help you develop your riding skills without feeling overwhelmed by excessive power.

  4. Cost: Determine a realistic budget for purchasing, insuring, and maintaining your motorcycle. Keep in mind that additional costs such as protective gear, registration, and maintenance should also be factored in.

  5. Ergonomics: Ensure that the motorcycle's riding position and controls are comfortable for your body type. Test ride different models to find the one that feels most natural and comfortable.

New vs. Used Motorcycles: The Benefits of Buying Used

While the allure of a brand-new motorcycle may be tempting, there are several reasons why purchasing a used motorcycle may be the smarter choice for beginners:

  1. Affordability: Used motorcycles are typically more affordable than new models, allowing you to save money or invest in better gear and accessories.

  2. Depreciation: Motorcycles, like cars, tend to depreciate quickly. Buying a used motorcycle means someone else has already absorbed the initial depreciation hit, allowing you to sell the bike later without losing too much value.

  3. Learning Curve: As a new rider, there's a high likelihood of dropping or lightly damaging your motorcycle during the learning process. With a used bike, the emotional and financial impact of minor damages will be lessened.

  4. Discovering Your Preferences: As you gain experience, your riding preferences may evolve, and the bike you initially thought was perfect might no longer be the best fit. Starting with a used motorcycle allows you to explore different types of riding without investing too much upfront.

  5. Easier Resale: When it's time to upgrade or try a new type of motorcycle, used bikes tend to be easier to sell than new ones. You may even recoup most of your initial investment, especially if the bike was well-maintained.

Final Tips for Choosing Your First Motorcycle

  1. Do Your Research: Read reviews, visit forums, and talk to experienced riders to gather valuable insights and advice on the best motorcycles for beginners.
  2. Test Ride: Try out various models to find the one that feels most comfortable and suits your needs. This hands-on experience will help solidify your decision.
  3. Be Patient: Take your time when searching for the perfect first motorcycle. Don't rush into a purchase that you may later regret. Keep an eye out for sales, deals, or well-maintained used motorcycles to get the best value.
  4. Invest in Safety Gear: A high-quality helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, and boots are essential for your safety and comfort while riding. Allocate a portion of your budget to invest in the proper gear.
  5. Take a Motorcycle Safety Course: Enrolling in a motorcycle safety course is an excellent way to learn essential riding skills and techniques. It may also help you save on insurance premiums.

Choosing your first motorcycle is an exciting and personal journey. By understanding your riding goals, exploring different types of motorcycles, considering essential factors, and opting for a used bike, you can make an informed decision that will serve you well as you embark on your motorcycling adventure. Remember to take your time, do your research, and invest in quality safety gear. The team at Chaparral Motorsports is here to support you every step of the way, so feel free to reach out for expert advice and guidance. Happy riding!